I would like to take a moment and talk with you about the importance of performing the fall maintenance on your Heating system. The fall maintenance is more of a safety check on your furnace. I guess the easiest way to put it is like this. You have a piece of equipment in your attic that is very dangerous. It uses natural gas or propane to heat your home and it produces carbon monoxide which is a deadly poisonous odorlessgas. Many times, without a yearly maintenance a problemcould go unnoticed. Also, yearly maintenance extends the life of your Air Conditioning and Heating system. You wouldn’t have a car and not perform the necessary maintenance on it would you? Your Air Conditioning and Heating system is no different. At Ultimate Comfort AC we offer our fall and spring maintenancefor only $17 a month. Give me a call today to schedule your fall maintenance and put your mind at ease that your furnace is operating properly.
Mike Heuer
General Manager
Ultimate Comfort A/C and Heating